This week the boys were joined by Ruthless Randy Rude from Colorado Springs Wrestling to talk about their Headlocks for Hospice charity event. In the news we covered A-Rod’s line of men’s makeup, Axe bodyspray’s continued existence and their new ad, and the merits of James Bond as a character. We found some Cool Stuff in a cum shot game and a great job site prank. We’re pissed off about sexualising children yet again, this time via the kids’ shows Blue’s Clues and Scoops & Friends. In Sports we were less than awed by a very anticlimactic hockey “brawl.” Finally, this week in His Story taught us about the writing of the Declaration of Independence, patents for gas powered cars & gas masks, and the very first Fathers’ Day.
Check out Headlocks for Hospice -
Check out CSW -
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