This week Trevor discussed a new California law that prohibits “gendered toy aisles” in stores, Superman coming out as bisexual, and more! In the News (13:04) we covered California’s new law prohibiting “gendered toy aisles” in stores, DC’s decision to make Superman, the mantle now held by Clark’s son Jon Kent, bisexual (including a rant on the lack of creativity in Amercan pop culture), and a Florida teacher who’s pregnant after having sex with a 15 year old student. Our human Tools of the Week (40:22) are a guy confronting some landscapers about their use of an “illegal” leaf blower and the landscaper who’s not having it. Finally This Week in His Story (46:00) we learned about Teddy Roosevelt finishing a speech despite being shot, a supersonic car, and Ronald Regan’s presidency… of the Screen Actors Guild.
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